Stress, indeed, has been regarded as a major threat to call centers in the Philippines. The cost of workplace stress is a serious matter in a company. How do inbound and telemarketing agents react to increased job stress? They are more likely to use sick time, have low morale, and experience interpersonal conflict on the job.
This stress leads to decreased productivity, increased injuries, accidents, and even workplace bullying and violence. Your employees are working longer hours, so you need to take some steps to ensure they don’t burn out. Disengaged employees will cost you even more when they leave.
Philippine call centers that are sensitive to the importance of how stress can affect their workers and the workplace as a whole need to do what they can to be proactive in helping employees deal with stress instead of waiting for problems to happen. Being proactive rather than reactive is the key to having a healthy workplace.
Promote a sense of justice and fairness. You need to convey to the employees that they have a place to turn to if they feel like they are not treated fairly, and this information will be confidential and handled without retaliation. Coaching is also a good way to inspire your employees. Effective workplaces offer coaching from either in-house or outside consultants to supervisors who need help in learning how to manage and lead effectively, thereby improving their communication skills.
A company that is proactive about recognizing employees at risk and not turning its head when problematic behavior occurs will be more effective at limiting workplace stress. Find out what’s eating your team, and figure out how you can make changes to reinspire and reenergize them so they can contribute their fullest to your business.