Market research is one of the crucial initiatives your company can take to understand your customers, improve your products, and boost your business sales and performance.
This initiative can be challenging if you have limited internal expertise, resources, and other factors.
Perhaps, like many companies, you’re considering an alternative option: Outsourcing.
Before you dive into outsourcing your market research, I encourage you to read through these three FAQs to help you make the right decision about this venture.
There are numerous services you can outsource to meet your market research needs.
Call centers offer services like conducting high-quality surveys that evaluate your customer satisfaction, B2B, product penetration, and marketing.
Panel, tracking, B2B surveys, as well as computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) web surveys, are also available for you to outsource.
BPOs can design smart marketing questionnaires and informative newsletters and provide syndicated market research.
If you need news abstraction and extraction services, outsourcing firms can compile and study media content, corporate developments, industry trends, press reportage, and others, and provide you with substantial reports.
You can even tap BPOs for various kinds of analysis and market research on your niche, online market, brand, census or demographics of your target audience, for your product launch, and so on.
Outsourcing market research may be an excellent option for your company when you lack or need the following aspects:
There are at least three factors to consider and discuss with potential partner BPOs.
These must be clear at the onset to prevent any disagreement or changes to the engagement terms in the middle of the research project:
BPOs specialize in market research, have the necessary tools and resources, and are more than willing to help you in the best way possible.
After looking through these FAQs and you’re ready to take on outsourcing market research, feel free to contact us today and learn more. Cheers!