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Drink at the Right Time

Coffee’s natural ability to get us going has resulted in people downing cups of coffee the minute they wake up. This isn’t necessarily bad for you, but you’re not getting the most out of your drink that way. The reason is that your body produces cortisol, which keeps people most alert between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. By drinking coffee at this time, you are taking in caffeine when you don’t need it. Instead, opt to have your first cup between 10:00 am and 10:30 am for the best effect.

Use Creamer for Warmer Coffee

You may be one of those coffee drinkers who like to look into their cup and see a void of never-ending darkness, but you may be surprised to find that adding creamer to your coffee actually keeps it warmer for a longer period of time.  Not everyone likes their coffee hot, but a warm drink means a slower sipping experience to enjoy while working.

Mind the H2O

A cup of coffee is about 98% water, meaning that using tap water from the sink for your pot results in coffee that tastes like tap water. You can better the taste of your coffee by always using water purified in a filter or from a water cooler. It’s also a good idea to run just water through your coffee pot every once in a while to clean out the system. It removes any unwanted debris or taste from your coffee.

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