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To make your sales team keep closing deals, ensure they have a steady stream of quality leads. Instead of having them generate leads themselves, which can reduce their efficiency, consider outsourcing lead generation to call centers. They can provide various strategic lead generation services to support your sales efforts.

Lead Generation Solutions


When your audience reaches out to you, you’re in a great position to turn them into leads. You can further establish your relationship with them and turn them into paying customers. Here are a few ways that inbound call centers do to generate leads for you:

  • Live Chats and Hangouts: Live chat is one of the direct ways your customers can engage with your company, show interest in your products, and qualify as a lead.
  • Social Media: Networking sites function like digital contact lists, allowing specialists to find countless leads, examine users’ profiles, and filter them appropriately. Meanwhile, likes, reposts, comments, and private messages help specialists capture leads and assign appropriate action according to the campaign strategy.
  • Blogs. Blog posts on your website with a feedback section that invites users to engage directly with your company. Commenting and the kind of feedback they give signifies their interest and can lead to closing sales transactions.
  • Forms. Forms like sign-up, contact, and subscription also help gather leads as interested users fill them up.


Lead generation is typically classified as an outbound call center service in most outsourcing arrangements. Outbound calls are a more proactive way of gathering leads through the following methods:

  • Cold calling and Telemarketing: Telemarketing allows lead generation specialists to contact your prospects directly. Through this strategy, they can immediately work from your customer information database or contact lists according to your particular needs. They can call hundreds of accounts and build on their initial conversation with your customers for further business and sales engagement.
  • Appointment Setting: Specialists can call prospects and schedule profitable appointments on behalf of your sales team. Their services can even include follow-ups and personal meetings. Specialists can also turn on settings that enable prospects to listen to your company’s messages at specific periods when your representative is available. Through appointment setting, specialists can foster client trust and relationships and project a favorable brand image of your company.
  • Email marketing. Specialists can reach out to your customers directly and appropriately through email campaigns. They can thoroughly study your product and service market and create innovative messages and campaigns with compelling calls to action (CTAs).


Outsource Your Lead Generation

Successful lead generation requires skill, focus, and time. Call center outsourcing in the Philippines like Select VoiceCom are ideal for this task. We have highly trained lead generation specialists who can engage your audience and turn them into leads.