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Effective communication is vital if you wish people to understand your viewpoint. It becomes even more crucial in professional settings, as fierce competition means that customers must be convinced that your products are superior to your rivals.

Having effective communication in the Philippines call center is the cornerstone of establishing trust within inbound and outbound call center teams and making productivity improvements in their performance.


Organizing your thoughts systematically is the first step to effective communication. You should be clear about the message you want to convey, and it is helpful to have a framework for the conversation.


Effective communication is a two-way process. If you adopt a one-way attitude, you will fail to establish rapport with your counterpart. By making the other person feel that you value their participation in the conversation and that you are addressing their needs, you make them much more willing to accommodate your position. In practice, this means that you must listen patiently and converse accordingly.


If someone puts you on the spot and you’re not sure what to say, instead of feeling under pressure to say what first comes to mind, take some time to consider your response. It’s natural to want to answer right away, and it takes some practice to stop and think about your response. But there are situations that require a bit more thought, at least in how you phrase your response.


The message you convey through your gestures, body language, and facial expressions will play a huge role in the response you elicit. For this reason, your verbal and nonverbal messages need to be consistent. Otherwise, you will send mixed signals and not achieve the outcome you desire.

Call us today to find out how we can help you enhance productivity, deliver a better customer experience, and provide outsourced customer service.

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