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What do companies like Google and Alibaba have in common? A unique value proposition, a winning business strategy, as well as outsourcing.

Outsourcing helps streamline your business processes and promote efficiency. When done correctly, it could transform your business into a massive success.

The multi-million dollar company that is Google has been outsourcing staff - from IT specialists, software developers down to virtual assistants - for years. In fact, when they outsourced phone and email support for AdWords, their pay-per-click marketing platform, it became their top grossing product.  

In the case of Alibaba.com, they started as a small internet company called China Yellow Pages. When they were starting out, Jack Ma, the founder, had to outsource his website development to the US due to lack of web developers in China. They are still relying on outsourced partners for production today. But they have certainly come a long way - from an obscure internet company to “The World’s Biggest Online Marketplace.”

Business Optimization through Outsourcing

For both Google and Alibaba, outsourcing to BPO companies allowed them access to the specialized talent that they require. No doubt that at the same, outsourcing also allowed them to save on operational costs. But the benefits do not end there.

The following points illustrate how organizations achieve optimization through outsourcing.

1) Let’s you focus on your core business.

Outsourcing takes care of your business tasks that are equally important.

As an entrepreneur who is just starting out, you will be tempted to do everything - from managing your calendar, recruiting and conducting interviews for new staff, maybe even payroll and accounting as well, to save on costs. Such tasks though, if you are not careful, will eat up your time. And without even realizing it, your day is through with you barely giving attention to your core business functions.   

So leave the scheduling, paper works and admin, spreadsheets and figures to a reliable BPO company and focus your energy and attention to endeavors that will grow your business.

2) Lets you have an instant team

Having complete departments such as Human Resources, Employee Relations and Payroll, IT and Customer Service, Finance Department, operating on full capacity isn’t something new organizations can afford to have. But thanks to BPO companies, this is now entirely possible.  

In today’s business environment of cut-throat competition, outsourcing gives newbie companies

the leverage and fighting chance against established ones. Smaller companies can now provide the same services with the same level of efficiency and expertise as with larger companies.

3) Increases your efficiency and speed of delivery.

Modern businesses are now scalable and flexible. Particularly for companies that deal with manufacturing or sales, there will be days or periods when you will need more (or less) than your usual workforce.

With outsourcing, no time is wasted in building a team, because you already have the talent you need. You only need to decide on the exact number of manpower and when.

You can also take on as many projects as you like because with the right number of people, tasks are done faster.

What’s Next?

Is your interest piqued? Contact us today to find out how we at Select Voicecom can help you optimize your operations to achieve efficiency!

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