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The Philippine call center agents always encounter angry customers, especially in an inbound call center setting. Even companies with excellent customer service and product lines encounter irate customers on a day-to-day basis, and it is very important to fix the problem immediately. Here are proven and tested ways to appease irate customers.


Apologizing sincerely is the best way to express regret over the incident. In cases such as natural calamities or delays caused by third-party vendors, agents should always make sure to apologize, even if it is not their fault, and find a way to solve it. An apology should contain empathy that tells the customer they are being listened to, they are important, and that the company is on their side. Learn to earn the customer’s trust as well.


Assess the customer’s problem by asking what it is all about. Let them talk about their issue before asking any questions. If you ask about their capability to fix it before they could explain it further, the caller might see it as an insult instead of assistance.


Earn back a customer’s loyalty and trust by always giving them something extra. Customers have gone through a lot, which costs a lot of time. The least you can do is to extend an extra pleasant customer experience and service for them.

Follow up

Problems and fixes will vary according to the situation, but after-service should be done regardless of how small the problem is.

Customer service does not end after the product has been replaced or when the service is troubleshooted. It is important to make sure that the client is satisfied after providing the initial customer service. There are three ways to facilitate after-service:

  • Promptly – Following up promptly shows an agent’s sincere concern for the customer. This practice should be done if the problem has been transferred to another representative or escalated to another department.
  • In-House Update – The call center agent should follow up within departments about the customer’s concern.
  • Finalization – Conclude the transaction with a formal letter of agreement or a call that signifies the stability of a client relationship. This approach assures the customer that the problem has been solved already.

Do not forget to keep records of all the transactions so it will be easier to pull them out if another situation arises.

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